Saturday 30 June 2012

Drafting (vehicle)

Drafting is a technique of reducing the drag co-efficient of your motor vehicle by travelling after  the lead vehicle slip stream, the biggest  advantages of drafting is the fuel consumption, which is considerably reduced , I have experimented drafting on highways and I was surprised by the results of the drafting, I sync with a big truck traveling at 60 km/h with a distance of just 5 feet from its bumper, after sync with it I immediately deviated to the other track, keeping the throttle same, and my speed was reduced to 45 km/h which means 25% decrease in speed however there are some tips and tricks for the drafting:

   Always draft with the vehicle of size comparable  to you vehicle size
Keep an adequate distance.
Make sure that the lead vehicle brake lamp is functioning correctly
Never draft in rainy weather. Because the friction of road and tire in reduced thus needs a larger distance to slow down a vehicle.
If the lead vehicle is big as compared to yours, then you can easily keep a large distance.
   If you are on a bike, the best is draft along with a truck. Because in winter season you can avoid the cold breeze easily J

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